<html><head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><DIV>Are there any functions to do trilinear interpolation of raw dataset<BR>? I checked<BR>vtkMath, which I thought might be the logical place, but doesnt seem to<BR>be part of it. I am looking<BR>for a function, given a set of points (2 3d) to return the<BR>interpolated value at a given point (x,y,z)</DIV>
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<DIV>I read the raw dataset with vtkImageReader . Then which classes should I use to do trilinear interpolation on a specific points(x,yz)?</DIV>
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<P>vtkImageReader *readraw = vtkImageReader::New();</P>
<P>readraw->SetFilePrefix(</FONT><FONT color=#800000 size=2>"3Draw_dataset");</FONT><FONT size=2></P>
<P>readraw->SetFilePattern(</FONT><FONT color=#800000 size=2>"%s%.d.raw"</FONT><FONT size=2>);</P>
<P>readraw->SetDataExtent (0,250,0,300,0,120);</P>
<P>readraw->SetDataOrigin(0,0,0); </P>
<P>readraw->SetDataSpacing(0.2,0.2,0.2);</FONT><FONT color=#008000 size=2>// necessary to see Raw data on 3D </P></FONT><FONT size=2>
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<DIV>thanks </DIV>
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