Hi all!<br><br>I have two questions!<br><br>[1] How do I find out the range of the vector data in a Plot3D file?<br>I'm trying to create a CFD data visualizer using C# and the .net <br>wrappers for VTK. <br>I found a GetScalarRange() method that I used to set the lookup table for
<br>coloring some streamlines by scalar value. <br> <br>this.lut.SetTableRange(Dataset.Plot3DReader.GetOutput().GetScalarRange());<br><br>I have set the vector function to be be used using <br>Plot3DReader.SetVectorFunctionNumber
(200);<br><br>I want to be able to color the streamlines by vector value. <br><br>[2] How does one find the dimensions of a structured grid extracted using <br>vtkPlot3DReader?<br>I found that 'Dataset.Plot3DReader.GetOutput
().GetDimensions()' does not <br>return the correct value.<br><br>Any help would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>-shriram<br><br>