<div>Hello Guys,</div>
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<div>I would really appreciate some help regarding this matter.</div>
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<div>Basically, i am trying to obtain a 2D histogram of CT ( .raw and .vgi ) volume data, and dont know what to do to achieve this.</div>
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<div>It was suggested to me to use vtkImageAccumulate. I think in this case two scalar components have to be set, one of them being the gradient magnitudes of the data.... no?</div>
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<div>But setting 2 scalar components would double the memory usage and so far i haven't come across a more elegant method of passing the gradient gradient values to the Accumulate function . </div>
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<div>What recommendations can anyone give me to solve the memory issue, and also to obtain the gradient values from the volume data.</div>
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<div>Thanks a lot,</div>
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<div>Tony Marrero</div>