<div>Hi all,</div> <div>I have successfully installed VTK on LINUX , but when I try to run the program( Qt application using VTK library), I get the following error:</div> <div> </div> <div>error while loading shared libraries: libvtkDICOMParse.so.5.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory</div> <div> </div> <div>What could be the reason for this?</div> <div>The code for loading the VTK library in Qt's pro file</div> <div>LIBS += -L/home/kishore/VTK/Build/bin -lvtkDICOMParser \<BR> -lvtkCommon \<BR> -lvtkexoIIc \<BR> -lvtkexpat \<BR> -lvtkFiltering \<BR> -lvtkfreetype \<BR> -lvtkftgl \<BR> -lvtkGenericFiltering \<BR> -lvtkGraphics \<BR> -lvtkHybrid \<BR> -lvtkImaging \<BR> -lvtkIO \<BR> -lvtkjpeg \<BR> -lvtkNetCDF \<BR> -lvtkpng \<BR> -lvtkRendering \<BR> -lvtksys \<BR> -lvtktiff \<BR> -lvtkVolumeRendering \<BR> -lvtkWidgets \
<BR> -lvtkzlib \<BR> -lQVTKWidgetPlugin \<BR> -lQVTK</div> <div> </div> <div>and these files are at the location.<BR>Thanks & Regards,</div> <div>Pragya</div> <div> </div><p> 
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