<br clear="all">I need to convert DXF to VTK and I have been looking around for code to do this without much success. I even tried some DOS programs that convert to STL and then from STL to VTK without success. Does anyone have any code (or pointers to code) they can share? I don't mind C++ or Python.
<br>I would prefer something like this because I am more familiar with VTK. The DXF is actually the map of a mine.<br><br>Thanks in advance for any help.<br><br>Andrew<br>-- <br><br>___________________________________________
<br>Andrew J. P. Maclean<br>Centre for Autonomous Systems<br>The Rose Street Building J04<br>The University of Sydney 2006 NSW<br>AUSTRALIA<br>Ph: +61 2 9351 3283<br>Fax: +61 2 9351 7474<br>URL: <a href="http://www.cas.edu.au/">