After my application worked correctly, I've made some changes that I cannot retrieve, that cause vtk to crash:<br>
"Microsoft Visual Studio C Runtime Library has detected a fatal error in MyApp.exe."<br>
The crash happens at the following places:<br>
void vtkInformationExecutivePortVectorKey::Set(vtkInformation* info,<br>
vtkExecutive** executives,<br>
int* ports, int length)<br>
v->Executives.insert(v->Executives.begin(), executives, executives+length); // crashes at the .begin()<br>
which is called deep inside<br>
<font face="Courier New">w2if->Update();</font> // w2if is * <font face="Courier New">vtkWindowToImageFilter</font><br>
When I comment out the update function, I get a simillar crash at:<br>
void vtkInformationIntegerVectorKey::Set(vtkInformation* info, int* value,<br>
int length)<br>
v->Value.insert(v->Value.begin(), value, value+length); // crashes at the .begin()<br>
which is called deep inside <br>
<font face="Courier New">mapper->SetInput(polys); // (mapper is *vtkPolyDataMapper and polys is *vtkPolyData)</font><br>
Does anyone has any suggestions what could cause these crashes?<br>
Any suggestions would be appreciated.<br>