Hi everyone,<br><br>I was looking at the vtkImageReslice code. First of all, hats off to whoever wrote this. This object can do so many things!<br><br>Anyway, I was trying to understand how the reslicing algorithm actually works.
<br><br>So, I specify a 4 x4 matrix in the form of the reslice axes direction cosines and I have the input data. So, if my specified reslice axes now is <br><br>(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0). Can someone tell me what the reslicer is doing from the mathematical perspective. Is the reslice matrix interpreted as a rotation matrix and the image data is now multiplied by this rotation matrix?
<br><br>Thanks and sorry for this beginner question.<br><br>Luca<br>