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You do need some form of python bindings for vtk to work with python.
To my knowledge there is pyvtk which is a special python interpreter
that has the vtk binding built in, alternatively there is a python
module vtk.py that can be imported into and used with the stock python
interpreter. In my experience the pyvtk interpreter was problematic...<br>
yadin Bocuma Rivas wrote:
<blockquote cite="mid297104.49075.qm@web51308.mail.re2.yahoo.com"
do i need pyvtk to be ablle to run VTK files from python?<br>
i am using the pyhton 2,4 enthought edition and i does not have pyvtk
included as a module.<br>
besides i find it confusing to install it <br>
pls shold i have to do it and how <br>
i have downloaded PyVTK-0.4.74 folder taht contains the setup.py<br>
i have run it but i keeping getting an error message saying that there
is not module <br>
name pyvtk<br>
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