Hi everyone,<br><br>Looking at the documentation of the vtkMarchingCubes object, it inherits from vtkPolyDataAlgorithm. However, when I use the following filter pipeline, it fails with the error:<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">
Input for connection index 0 on input port index 0 for algorithm vtkMarchingCubes(0x1753e60) is of type vtkPolyData, but a vtkImageData is required.<br><br></span>The pipeline is as follows:<br><br>// Convert the image data to polygons
<br>m_polyDataFilter->SetInput(m_input->GetOutput()); <br>m_polyDataFilter->SetOutputStyleToPolygonalize();<br> <br>// Smooth the data to remove the high frequencies and minmise the step effects
<br>m_smoother->SetInput(m_polyDataFilter->GetOutput()); <br>m_smoother->SetNumberOfIterations(50);<br> <br>// Pass this to the marching cube filter<br> m_mc->SetInput(m_smoother->GetOutput());
<br><br>This fails with the above error. Is it meant to be like this? Is there an easy way to convert polydata back to image data or alternatively smooth an image data with some filter.<br><br>Thanks,<br>Luca<br><br><br><br>