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<div>I'm trying to build VTK using Mingw, CMake 2.4.7, VTK 5 on Windows vista 64. I'm having a problem that I have in xp a long time. </div>
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<div><em>CMake Error: Error: An atttempt was made to access a variable:<br></em><i>CMAKE_WORDS_BIGENDIAN that has not been defined. Some variables were</i><i> always</i><i> defined by CMake in versions prior to 1.6. To fix this you might need
</i>to<i> set</i><i> the cache value of CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY to 1.4 or less. If y</i>ou<i> are</i><i> writing a CMakeList file, (or have already set</i><i> CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATABILITY to</i><i> 1.4 or less) then you probably need to include a CMake module to test f
</i>or<i> the</i><i> feature this variable defines.</i></div>
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<div>Is there any solution? At the time I had this problem in XP a patch in CMake solved the problem.. but now I'm using the latest version. </div>
<div>Thank you all</div>
<div>-- <br>Dário Oliveira </div>