Hi, <br><br>I use VTK to generate surface of MRI images. There are two surfaces generated from orginal MRI image with different threshold in Marching Cube Filter, so the surfaces have the same topology.<br><br>Now, I have to calculate the depth between these surfaces. Here is my method to get it.
<br><br>First, for each point in surface1, find the closest point in surface2 with vtkPointLocator.<br><br>Then, calculate distance between the two closest points, and save the distant value in a new polydata set.<br><br>
But, I am afraid the program will be time-expensive, for we all know that MRI images have huge number of points. If there is any fast way to get the depth? or is there any class I can use to calculate this kind of measurement between two polydata?
<br><br>Any suggestion will be appreciated.<br><br>Wen Li<br><br>