<font size=2 color="#000080">VTK Users,<br><br>
</font>I would like to be able to choose a specific connected polygon
region based on its scalar value. I am using vtkCellPicker to pick
a cell on a polygon generated from the connectivity filter to get the
cellid. I would then like to get the point ids so that I can get
the scalar value and then use that with the connectivity filter again to
select the specific region. I am coding in Tcl/Tk. Following
is an extract of the code. I suspect it is simple syntax but I
can't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.<br><br>
vtkConnectivityFilter connect<br>
connect SetInput [thresh GetOutput]<br>
connect SetExtractionModeToAllRegions<br>
connect ColorRegionsOn<br>
connect Update<br>
vtkGeometryFilter geomFilt<br>
geomFilt SetInput [connect GetOutput]<br>
vtkCellPicker picker<br>
picker SetEndPickMethod annotatePick<br><br>
proc annotatePick {} {<br>
set cellid [picker GetCellId]<br>
set connscal [[geomFilt GetOutput] GetCellPoints
$cellid] ; # Wrong syntax?!!!<br>
} </body>