<DIV>Hi, vtk users,</DIV>
<DIV> I began to learn VTK several months ago. and I want to make the CT images visualized, and as we know, VTK is a good choice to do this. </DIV>
<DIV> and I have implemented the surface rendering(MarchingCubes) and volume rendering(Raycasting) with the CT iamges but I want to do hybrid rendering with the CT images now.</DIV>
<DIV> because I know there is a method, named hybrid rendering that could render the surface with the volume rendering methods, I want to ask if there is a similar class in VTK that has used this principle? maybe it is vtkHybridRendering? or is there any good books or information about it that could get online? </DIV>
<DIV> any suggestion would be appreciated!</DIV>
<DIV> Mark</DIV>
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