<DIV> Hi, <BR> I am doing the 3D rendering for my medical CT images with VTK. from the VTK Document, we could know there are many 3D rendering methods. for examples, marching cubes( surface rendering method )、 ray-casting (volume rendering method ). <BR> several days ago, I have found some books that tells another rendering method : hybrid rendering method.<BR> and it says that it is to rendering the surface with a volume rendering method. with the help of the volume rendering method, I could get one thin layer by controling the gray values' opacity range with the class vtkPiecewiseFunction, and then we could get a similar surface rendering's result. but the principle is not so.<BR> so I want to ask if there are some classes that could do hybrid rendering in VTK? who could give me some more information about hybrid rendering? <BR> thank you very much!<BR> Mark </DIV>
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