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<TITLE>RE: [vtkusers] layered renderers</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=2>I to have had similar problems but it seems that using something similar to below;<BR>
ren4 SetActiveCamera [ren2 GetActiveCamera]<BR>
makes both layers react to the same input. Hope this helps .<BR>
Hello Steve,<BR>
I am glad someone else has the same problems to solve ;)<BR>
However, I fear you are right : The books do not contain any<BR>
documentation on this. I even searched the archives without success.<BR>
There is only one rudimentary CPP example.<BR>
Anyway, I will try to do the same as you are doing and<BR>
work myself through it. So maybe we can help each other out ?<BR>
Kind regards,<BR>
2008/4/8, Steve Chall <stevec@renci.org>:<BR>
> >Message: 18<BR>
> >Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 14:12:32 +0200<BR>
> >From: "Oliver Kania" <ptw.freiburg@googlemail.com><BR>
> >Subject: [vtkusers] Multiple rendering layers reacting to interaction<BR>
> >To: vtkusers@vtk.org<BR>
> >Message-ID:<BR>
> > <e22fb1100804080512q2b1ad655oee6f3581183bfb60@mail.gmail.com><BR>
> >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<BR>
> ><BR>
> >Hello,<BR>
> >my application has several layers :<BR>
> ><BR>
> >vtkRenderer RenderImage2 = new vtkRenderer();<BR>
> >vtkRenderer RenderImage = new vtkRenderer();<BR>
> ><BR>
> > RenderImage.SetLayer(0);<BR>
> > RenderImage2.SetLayer(1);<BR>
> ><BR>
> > RenderImage.SetInteractive(1);<BR>
> > RenderImage2.SetInteractive(1);<BR>
> ><BR>
> ><BR>
> > RenderImage.SetBackground(0.0, 0.0, 0.3);<BR>
> ><BR>
> > vtkRenderWindow renWin = new vtkRenderWindow();<BR>
> > renWin.SetNumberOfLayers(2);<BR>
> > renWin.AddRenderer(RenderImage2);<BR>
> > renWin.AddRenderer(RenderImage);<BR>
> ><BR>
> >vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren = new vtkRenderWindowInteractor();<BR>
> >iren.SetRenderWindow(renWin);<BR>
> >//set image mode interaction style<BR>
> >vtkInteractorStyleImage interactor = new vtkInteractorStyleImage();<BR>
> >ren.SetInteractorStyle(interactor);<BR>
> ><BR>
> >What I find is that only one layer reacts to interaction.<BR>
> >Since I used SetInteractive(), I was expecting that both layers do react.<BR>
> >More generally, I want to have an arbitrary number of layers that do<BR>
> >react to the same interaction. Maybe it is somehow possible to link<BR>
> >the cameras of the renderers ?<BR>
> >(I tried Renderer1.setCamera(Renderer2.getCamera()) but that does<BR>
> >not work)<BR>
> ><BR>
> >kind regards,<BR>
> >Oliver<BR>
> Thank you, Oliver, for bringing layered rendering to my attention. This<BR>
> sounds like it could resolve some visibility issues I'm experiencing.<BR>
> However, I can't seem to find very much documentation on this<BR>
> feature. I've<BR>
> bought and looked through the books, read the code in vtkRenderer.h, and<BR>
> checked online, and pretty much all I've found out is that layers are<BR>
> numbered and all but the bottom are transparent. I can and, if necessary,<BR>
> will work through it empirically, i.e., by writing code and seeing what<BR>
> happens. But it would be valuable and probably much more efficient if<BR>
> there<BR>
> were some more thorough documentation than what I've found thus far. Can<BR>
> anyone point me to it? Admittedly, once again I may have just overlooked<BR>
> something obvious, but if so I'd appreciate someone shaking me out of my<BR>
> tunnel vision. Thanks all.<BR>
> -Steve<BR>
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