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<body class='hmmessage'><div style="text-align: left;">The problem is probably due to a lack of memory. You can catch these problems by putting a try/catch around your Update() functions, and you should get an error message. This is the code you can use for MFC.<br><br> try<br> {<br> filter->Update();<br> }<br> catch( itk::ExceptionObject & excep )<br> {<br> CString msg;<br> msg.Format("Error: %s", excep.GetDescription());<br> AfxMessageBox(msg, MB_ICONERROR);<br> }<br><br><br>If you want to fix this you can do a few things. One thing you can do is call the SetReleaseDataFlag(true) function on everything in your pipeline. This will release memory once it's no longer in use, however it will slow down your program considerably.<br><br>Some filters also support streaming. This breaks a task down into smaller pieces and you end up not needing to allocate a lot of memory all at once. You can set it up like this, and you just simply connect it to your pipeline and call Update() on it in order to stream through the pipeline.<br><br> typedef itk::StreamingImageFilter< OutputImageType,OutputImageType > StreamingFilterType;<br> StreamingFilterType::Pointer streamer = StreamingFilterType::New();<br> streamer->SetReleaseDataFlag(true);<br><br> streamer->SetNumberOfStreamDivisions(4);<br><br><br>Have a look at your operating system's memory usage while you run the program. And if you include the try/catch thing you should be able to figure out where your program gets up to before it runs out of memory. Note that the program will continue to run after that point, and that is why it seems like it works until the end.<br><br><br>Hope this helps,<br><br>Cameron.<br><br></div><br><div></div><br><br><blockquote><hr id="EC_stopSpelling">Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 11:08:41 +0200<br>From: ivan.gm.itk@gmail.com<br>To: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>Subject: [vtkusers] Exception problems<br><br>Hello:<br><br>I have a problem with a not controled exception in runtime. I'm using windows, MFC, VTK, ITK in Visual Studio 2005. My code looks like this:<br><br>....<br>pitkDICOMReader->SetFileNames(files);<br>pitkDICOMReader->SetImageIO( itk::GDCMImageIO::New() );<br>
pitkDICOMReader->Update();<br>filter = ThresholdType::New();<br>filter->SetInput( this->pitkDICOMReader);<br>filter->ThresholdOutside(minT, maxT);<br>filter->Update();<br>...<br>( typedef itk::ImageToVTKImageFilter<ImageType> ConnectorType; )<br>
connector->SetInput( filter->GetOutput() );<br>connector->Update();<br><br>/*now I create a 3D polydata*/<br>contourFilter->SetInput(connector->GetOutput());<br>contourFilter->Update();<br>smoothFilter->SetInputConnection(contourFilter->GetOutputPort());<br>
this->BoneMapper->SetInput(polyDataNormals->GetOutput());<br>this->BoneMapper->Update();<br>this->BoneActor->SetMapper(this->BoneMapper);<br>this->BoneActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0);<br>
this->pvtkRenderer3D->ResetCamera();<br>if (this->pvtkMFCWindow3D) this->pvtkMFCWindow3D->RedrawWindow(); //"the program crash here"<br><br>When I open 3D images with 100 slices it runs perfect but with one of the images (with 350 slices) the program crash in runtime and Visual Studio shows the following error message:<br>
<br>Excepción no controlada en 0x0d9e5c01 en myaplication.exe: 0xC0000005: Infracción de acceso al escribir en la ubicación 0x00000000.<br><br>After that the file ftime64.c apairs in Visual Studio at line 130 where it calls to _ftime64_s(tp);<br>
<br>In addition, when I comment the smoothfilter and other previous filters it works good.<br><br>What could the problem be? Do you know how I can solve it?<br><br><br>Thanks a lot.<br><br>Iván García Martínez.<br>
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