Hi,<br><br>how can I import a simple cube with some texture attached to it<br>in VTK??? This should be the simplest task on earth....<br><br>I have tried all importers (vtk3DSImporter and vtkVRMLImporter)<br>and several Readers (vtkOBJReader, vtkSTLReader) but no one<br>is able to import the texture!!<br><br>It is unbelievable that there is no simple possibility to do this<br>in VTK! Or maybe there is other way (I cant use the vtk-native-<br>files, because there are no common 3d-programs (like 3dsmax<br>or DeepExploration), that are able to produce vtk-files).<br><br>Thanks a lot.<br>Chavo<p>