Dear all,<br><br>I'm developing a 2D image viewer that's needs the following functionalities:<br>1) The user can click on a image and mark a point in this image.<br>2) Various points can be marked, and can be used, for example, for an image segmentation algorithm<br>
3) When I change the slices, if this slice have marked points, needs to be showed properly<br><br>Well, I started by taking a look in vtkImageTracerWidget. But not fits my needs because when I change the slice, the points and lines not change. I implemented this using a Qt image viewer, but now I need to change the entirely code to VTK. The problem are I don't know what's are the correct way to do this in VTK.<br>
<br>Since I think I'm not the first that's needs this, may be someone here can helps.<br><br>Any help will be must appreciate!<br>Thanks in advance,<br><br>Wagner Sales<br><br><br>