<div dir="ltr" id="result_box">Hello, <br /> <br /> I need a help, in VTK,
but I am a newcomer to it, I have a code that was passed using VTK and C +
+, but it would be better if it were in Java and VTK, to parallel
processing, the application using the Globus software ... <br /> <br />
Someone has worked with it and can give me a help, or hint of how to find
a similar example?</div>
<br /><br />Yours truly;<br />--<br /><br />Luís César da
Costa<br />B.Sci. in Computer Science <br />Computer sCience Coordination
- CCC<br />==================================<br />National Laboratory of
sCientific Computing - LNCC<br />Av. Getúlio Vargas, 333,
Quitandinha, Petrópolis - RJ<br />Tel: -55 (24) 2233-6267<br />Fax:
-55 (24) 2233-6071<br />lcosta@lncc.br<br /><br />"I log in,
therefore I am. Reality is for people without Internet access..."
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