Hello-<br>I am trying to add window/level settings to CT volume data I have read in. I am using a modified version of the ISIS::ImageSliceViewer code from Georgetown University. The code accepts input as vtkImageData which it adds to the rendered. I saw the example below and tried implementing it in my code:<br>
<br><a href="http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.vtk.user/27109">http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.vtk.user/27109</a> (similar to exercise 2f in the VTK course examples)<br><br>It uses the <span class="e">vtkPiecewiseFunction to setup a transfer function for the pixel values. My question is this: I currently have quite a lot of code that accepts vtkImageData. I was thinking of adding a way to add an actor that is comprised of the vtkVolumeData to the renderer, however this would require a major overhaul. Is there a(n easy) way i can convert this volume data back to image data prior to sending it to my ISIS renderer? Am I on the right track for adding window/level settings to my CT image? I assume this has been done before, and the code is available in Thanks in advance.<br>