Dear all,<BR> <BR>I use the vtkStructuredGridReader to read a grid that contains scalars and one vector item. The file is valid as I can load it into Paraview. However, when I set up the pipeline with vtkGlyph3D, the Glyphs are placed at the correct points but the orientation and vector magnitude is ignored. For me it looks like the vector attribute from the file is ignored. I allready tried out to call <BR>SetActiveVectors("name") on the point data, but that did not help. Can somebody help me?<BR> <BR>How can I tell the vtkGlyph3D filter which point attribute it should use for coloring, scaling, and orientation?<BR> <BR>Kind regards,<BR>Bjoern Zehner<BR><BR>------------------------------------------------------------------------- <BR>Dr. Bjoern Zehner <BR>UFZ Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig-Halle <BR>Permoserstrasse 15 <BR>04318 Leipzig <BR>Germany <BR> <BR>Tel: ++49 (341) 235 3979 <BR>Fax: ++49 (341) 235 3939<BR><BR>