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Hello everyone,<br><br>I am trying to implement Real-Time Soft Tissue Deformation in VTK and I was hoping to get some ideas/help from the community.<br><br>So far I have the following working real-time in VTK...<br><br>1) I use TetGen to tetrahedralize a vtkPolydata (assuming no triangle intersections) into a vtkUnstructuredGrid of vtkTetra cells.<br><br>2) Cutting, using a very rudimentary version described in "Removing tetrahedra from a manifold mesh" by Forest, using a vtkCellPicker.<br><br>3) Deformation of the model by simply moving the points of a cell selected by vtkCellPicker by a constant arbitrary distance, and then having all the points of the entire vtkUnstructuredGrid constantly trying to return to their origin during a vtkRenderWindowInteractor timer event (by once again moving a constant and arbitrary distance each time).<br><br>So my question is, I am stuck on implementing a Real-Time FEM (or Tensor-Mass or Mass-Spring) system into VTK. Does anyone have any suggestions, or can describe their own implementation?<br><br>Anyway, below are the papers I've found to be the most insightful, where Delingette's soft tissue modeling algorithms being the favored one.<br><br>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Clement Forest , Herve Delingette , Nicholas Ayache, <span style="font-style: italic;">Removing Tetrahedra from a Manifold Mesh</span>. Proceedings of the Computer Animation, p.225, June 19-21, 2002<br><br>H. Delingette and N. Ayache.<span style="font-style: italic;"> Soft Tissue Modeling for Surgery Simulation</span>. Handbook of Numerical Analysis, pages 453 - 550. Elsevier, 2004.<br><br>M. Müller , J. Dorsey , L. McMillan , R. Jagnow , B. Cutler. <span style="font-style: italic;">Stable real-time deformations</span>. Proceedings of the 2002 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation, July 21-22, 2002, San Antonio, Texas.<br><br>----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br><br>Thanks,<br><br>Ryan Barr<br>Computer Engineering<br>University of British Columbia<br><br /><hr /> <a href='' target='_new'></a></body>