Hi everyone,<br />
I've this problem: once I create an actor for my scene, I need to know the source that have generated that actor.For example:<br />
<br />
vtkSphereSource *sphere = vtkSphereSource::New();<br />
sphere->SetRadius(1.0);<br />
sphere->SetThetaResolution(20);<br />
sphere->SetPhiResolution(20);<br />
vtkPolyDataMapper *map = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();<br />
map->SetInput(sphere->GetOutput());<br />
vtkActor *aSphere = vtkActor::New();<br />
aSphere->SetMapper(map);<br />
<br />
I need vtkSphereSource from aSphere; when I pick the aSphere actor from the scene, I need to be able to change the radius of the sphere, for example. In my contest, I don't have the vtkSphereSource a priori. A good idea is to take the vtkPolyData from the actor and get the class name, in this case vtkSphereSource. Hope that everything is clear...<br />
<br />
Best regards<br />
<br />
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