I am very new to vtk and need help. I want to use the vtkMarchingCubes for polygonizing a volume <br>
in a JAVA project. The Visualization ot the volume works very fine but i need the output of the marching<br>
cubes as data for further processing in that way that i get the pointlist of the surface points and triangles(polygons) as lists of indices of the points. My big problem is that i don´t know how i get this data.<br>
I tried for example for the polygons:<br>
<FONT size=2><FONT size=2>
<div align=left>vtkMarchingCubes surface = </FONT><B><FONT color=#7f0055 size=2>new</B></FONT><FONT size=2> vtkMarchingCubes();</div>
<div align=left>surface.SetInput(vol);</div>
<div align=left></div>
<div align=left>vtkCellArray polys = </FONT><B><FONT color=#7f0055 size=2>new</B></FONT><FONT size=2> vtkCellArray();</div>
<FONT size=1>When i do that way the program says that the number of cells is 0, but when i visualize it i get the<br>
surface. Then i don´t know how to handle InitTraversel() Method or how i get the data from the cells.<br>
Bye the way does someone know which version of the marching cubes algorithm is implemented in vtk.<br>
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