Hi VTK Experts,<br><br>I use vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand2D class to view 3d data by interaction in 2D view. But, I have two questions :<br><br> - This style allows to draw a rubber band using the left button. I want to know how to zoom and display only the data of this rubber band.<br>
In other way, I want to select an area by the left button and zoom into it according to the two sides of the Rubber Band (not only the shorter side i.e. <br> vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand2DZoom ).<br><br> - I want to draw 2 rulers (in mm) in the boards of screen (one for X and one for Y) which change according to zoom. Is there any custom widgets which allows displaying of <br>
Rulers,Handels,...<br><br>All suggestions are welcome.<br><br>Thank you in advance for your answer,<br><br>Amine<br><br><br><br>