<p>My understanding is that ImplicitModeller gives a distance from polydata, the distance is always positive and will be the distance to the nearest part of the polydata. It does not try to determine in / out, it simply obtains the distance. The suggested method of using intersection with a line sounds like the correct way to determine in/out.<br>
regards, Dave Pont<br>
<img width="16" height="16" src="cid:1__=43BBFFE7DFE2BFCA8f9e8a@scionresearch.com" border="0" alt="Inactive hide details for "Rashindra Manniesing" <r.manniesing@erasmusmc.nl>">"Rashindra Manniesing" <r.manniesing@erasmusmc.nl><br>
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<ul><b><font size="2">"Rashindra Manniesing" <r.manniesing@erasmusmc.nl></font></b><font size="2"> </font><br>
<font size="2">Sent by: vtkusers-bounces@vtk.org</font>
<p><font size="2">10/03/2009 01:58</font></ul>
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<div align="right"><font size="2">cc</font></div></td><td width="100%"><img width="1" height="1" src="cid:3__=43BBFFE7DFE2BFCA8f9e8a@scionresearch.com" border="0" alt=""><br>
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<div align="right"><font size="2">Subject</font></div></td><td width="100%"><img width="1" height="1" src="cid:3__=43BBFFE7DFE2BFCA8f9e8a@scionresearch.com" border="0" alt=""><br>
<font size="2">Re: [vtkusers] implicitmodeller - negative distance inside object</font></td></tr>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
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Thank you for your reactions.<br>
I've tried several things (in a custom ImplicitMOdeller class):<br>
1. checked return value of cell->EvaluatePosition(..), but does not seem to<br>
give the correct sign. According to cell class description, distance2 is<br>
more reliable, but distance2 does not return the sign.<br>
2. made a OBBTree of the polydata, and using obb->InsideOrOutisde(x), but<br>
this terribly slowed down the calcutions<br>
3. Shooting rays (as PointInPolygon), not implemented yet ... first I want<br>
to try existing solutions<br>
4. Other suggestions perhaps? <br>
Hash: SHA1<br>
You will find discussions on this topic in the archives.<br>
Search for a test if point is inside the surface. Generally, there is a<br>
bug in the direct implementation, I work around it by shooting rays and<br>
counting intersections.<br>
- - Dominik<br>
Message: 6<br>
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 23:19:06 +0100<br>
From: Arturo Caissut <arturo_caissut@tiscali.it><br>
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] implicitmodeller - negative distance inside<br>
To: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>
Message-ID: <49B04FDA.2070806@tiscali.it><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"<br>
I had a similar need some time ago during a project developed with a <br>
teacher of mine, and we created a "custom" Implicit Modeller class. <br>
Maybe it could be a good starting point for you: the main (only?) <br>
difference with vtkImplicitModeller is that into the class a "IN/OUT" <br>
check is performed, so that internal points are considered to have <br>
positive distance while external points have a negative one.<br>
It was originally intended as a quick "filling" filter for a 3D surface <br>
polydata, setting a high enough distance value, it generates a full volume.<br>
Hope it'll help you.<br>
Rashindra Manniesing ha scritto:<br>
> <br>
> I am new to VTK so please forgive if the following question has a <br>
> trivial answer.<br>
> <br>
> I am using ImplicitModeller to get from a PolyData object to a <br>
> distance map, and I was wondering whether it is possible to specify an <br>
> inside and outside of the polydata object, such that the distances <br>
> inside has different sign than the distances outside ?<br>
> <br>
> Best regards,<br>
> Rashindra Manniesing<br>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
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> <br>
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Name: vtkMyImplicitModeller.cxx<br>
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Message: 7<br>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 15:24:21 -0800<br>
From: Robbie Jaeger <rjaeger@gmail.com><br>
Subject: [vtkusers] Add timestamp to unstructuredgrid or polydata<br>
To: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br>
I'm creating an unstructuredgrid and exporting it using an<br>
XMLUnstructuredGridWriter object. Is there a timestamp feature for<br>
unstructured grids so that I can label the grid as being from a specific<br>
instance in time? The ultimate goal would be to take a series of these XML<br>
files and be able to go through them step by step.<br>
If this feature does not exist for the unstructuredgrid class, can the<br>
polydata class do this?<br>
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Message: 8<br>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 18:42:08 -0800 (PST)<br>
From: John Hsieh <cthsieh2001@yahoo.com><br>
Subject: [vtkusers] About color map and STL<br>
To: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>
Message-ID: <22365247.post@talk.nabble.com><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii<br>
I am currently working on one project that requires to calculate the<br>
distance deviation bewteen two surfaces (STL file format) and also asks to<br>
display the deviation in various color.<br>
I knew the vtkLookUpTable class may useful to my project, but I don't know<br>
how to use it.<br>
I need more information about how to use vtkLookUpTable to deal with STL<br>
-- <br>
View this message in context:<br>
</tt><tt><a href="http://www.nabble.com/About-color-map-and-STL-tp22365247p22365247.html">http://www.nabble.com/About-color-map-and-STL-tp22365247p22365247.html</a></tt><tt><br>
Sent from the VTK - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.<br>
Message: 9<br>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 19:28:47 -0800 (PST)<br>
From: Dasan <janghang@gmail.com><br>
Subject: [vtkusers] vtkDelaunay2D: How to remove discarded points<br>
To: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>
Message-ID: <22365659.post@talk.nabble.com><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii<br>
Dear VTK Users,<br>
Thanks to many people in this forum, I could use vtkDelaunay2D to construct<br>
mesh from point cloud. Thank you so much, every VTK users in this forum. <br>
But I still have many questions on vtkDelaunay2D:<br>
Q1. how can I remove some discarded points by SetTolerance(double)? For<br>
example the following picture show a meshing result of triangulation<br>
(vtkDelaunay2D). But as you can see, some points which were not used for<br>
triangulation still exist inside triangles.<br>
</tt><tt><a href="http://www.nabble.com/file/p22365659/Untitled-1.jpeg">http://www.nabble.com/file/p22365659/Untitled-1.jpeg</a></tt><tt> <br>
How can I remove this? <br>
Q2. what is the different between BoundingTriangleOn and Off? The main<br>
difference I observed is that when I use "On," mesh lost colors which I<br>
assigned as scalars and mesh's color becomes gray scale. Do you know why?<br>
"Boolean controls whether bounding triangulation points (and associated<br>
triangles) are included in the output. (These are introduced as an initial<br>
triangulation to begin the triangulation process. This feature is nice for<br>
debugging output.) "<br>
I cannot understand what this means due to lack of knowledge for<br>
triangulation. <br>
-- <br>
View this message in context:<br>
</tt><tt><a href="http://www.nabble.com/vtkDelaunay2D%3A-How-to-remove-discarded-points-tp2236">http://www.nabble.com/vtkDelaunay2D%3A-How-to-remove-discarded-points-tp2236</a></tt><tt><br>
Sent from the VTK - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.<br>
Message: 10<br>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 22:24:41 -0800 (PST)<br>
From: Dasan <janghang@gmail.com><br>
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] vtkDelaunay2D: How to remove discarded points<br>
To: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>
Message-ID: <22366840.post@talk.nabble.com><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii<br>
Q1 may be a wrong question. These points would not be the discarded points<br>
from SetTolerance. Anyway, Does anybody know why tkDelaunay2D displays<br>
points? I expect to see only mesh!<br>
Dasan wrote:<br>
> <br>
> Dear VTK Users,<br>
> <br>
> Thanks to many people in this forum, I could use vtkDelaunay2D to<br>
> construct mesh from point cloud. Thank you so much, every VTK users in<br>
> this forum. <br>
> <br>
> But I still have many questions on vtkDelaunay2D:<br>
> <br>
> Q1. how can I remove some discarded points by SetTolerance(double)? For<br>
> example the following picture show a meshing result of triangulation<br>
> (vtkDelaunay2D). But as you can see, some points which were not used for<br>
> triangulation still exist inside triangles.<br>
> <br>
> </tt><tt><a href="http://www.nabble.com/file/p22365659/Untitled-1.jpeg">http://www.nabble.com/file/p22365659/Untitled-1.jpeg</a></tt><tt> <br>
> <br>
> <br>
> How can I remove this? <br>
> <br>
> <br>
> Q2. what is the different between BoundingTriangleOn and Off? The main<br>
> difference I observed is that when I use "On," mesh lost colors which I<br>
> assigned as scalars and mesh's color becomes gray scale. Do you know why?<br>
> <br>
> "Boolean controls whether bounding triangulation points (and associated<br>
> triangles) are included in the output. (These are introduced as an initial<br>
> triangulation to begin the triangulation process. This feature is nice for<br>
> debugging output.) "<br>
> <br>
> I cannot understand what this means due to lack of knowledge for<br>
> triangulation. <br>
> <br>
> <br>
-- <br>
View this message in context:<br>
</tt><tt><a href="http://www.nabble.com/vtkDelaunay2D%3A-How-to-remove-discarded-points-tp2236">http://www.nabble.com/vtkDelaunay2D%3A-How-to-remove-discarded-points-tp2236</a></tt><tt><br>
Sent from the VTK - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.<br>
Message: 11<br>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 09:38:48 +0100<br>
From: <wassim_belhadj@topnet.tn><br>
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] [VtkEdge] vtkColorTransferFunction of lungs<br>
To: Lisa Avila <lisa.avila@kitware.com><br>
Cc: vtkusers@vtk.org, vtkedge@vtkedge.org<br>
Message-ID: <7b2f6d37c1bdf2c5c9ab48b121c8875f@pop.topnet.tn><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"<br>
Hello Lisa,<br>
Thank you ver much for your answer I'm pleased :-)<br>
My data is CT and I'm using Volume rendering techniques to view the<br>
I used Volview and I find a good transfer function <br>
(vtkPiecewiseFunction) for Lungs but I have not found the appropriate<br>
vtkColorTransferFunction. I would be delighted if you can help me.<br>
I currently developing an interactive GUI for adjusting transfer function<br>
I have left the interaction with Gradient opacity function as this function<br>
is not supported yet by the GPU ray cast mapper.<br>
Can you tell me please when this feature will be added to VTKEdge?<br>
I' m using VTKEdge/VTK CVS and Qt4<br>
Best Regards,<br>
BELHADJ wassim<br>
On Thu, 05 Mar 2009 17:05:39 -0500, Lisa Avila <lisa.avila@kitware.com><br>
> Hello Wassim,<br>
> <br>
> Are you trying to view the lungs as a surface, or transparently? I <br>
> assume your data is CT?<br>
> <br>
> The best way to "find" a good transfer function is with an interactive <br>
> GUI for adjusting transfer function nodes. You could try downloading the <br>
> trial version of VolView 3 from the Kitware web site, adjust the <br>
> transfer function interactively until you find a good one, then copy out <br>
> the node values into your program. That is what I almost always do when <br>
> I have to do a task like this - there is usually enough variation in <br>
> scan parameters that you can't really say "this hardcoded function will <br>
> be the best to show lungs in all CT data". Would be nice if that worked.<br>
> :-)<br>
> <br>
> If you are still having problems after trying something interactive to <br>
> help you, let me know.<br>
> <br>
> Lisa<br>
> <br>
> <br>
> wassim_belhadj@topnet.tn wrote:<br>
>> Hi,<br>
>> I'm using VTk/VTKEdge for lungs Volume rendering.<br>
>> My problem is that I have not found the appropriate<br>
>> vtkColorTransferFunction of lungs. <br>
>> Most of the examples provide vtkColorTransferFunction and <br>
>> vtkPiecewiseFunction functions of muscles, bones, skin but not lungs.<br>
>> Bellow my transfer function that I used to display Lungs.<br>
>>                  opacityFun->AddPoint(-960,0.0);<br>
>>                  opacityFun->AddPoint(-950, 1.0);<br>
>> opacityFun->AddPoint(-550,1.0 );<br>
>>                  opacityFun->AddPoint(-500,0.3 );<br>
>>                  opacityFun->AddPoint(-450, 0.0);<br>
>>                  opacityFun->AddPoint(-300, 0.0);<br>
>> <br>
>> Can someone HELP ME?<br>
>> Best regards,<br>
>> wassim<br>
>> _______________________________________________<br>
>> VtkEdge mailing list<br>
>> VtkEdge@vtkedge.org<br>
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Message: 12<br>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 10:04:16 +0000 (GMT)<br>
From: Nour Mestiri <nourmestiri@yahoo.fr><br>
Subject: [vtkusers] Help! How to extract the surface of a volume?<br>
To: vtk <vtkusers@vtk.org><br>
Message-ID: <816277.95540.qm@web28216.mail.ukl.yahoo.com><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br>
Hi all vtk users.<br>
I need your help. In?fact, i have a sequence of 2D 'segmented' images which<br>
represent the bones of the human head.<br>
When i make the reconstruction, i obtain the whole volume of the skull.. My<br>
objective is to keep just the extern surface of this skull and eliminate all<br>
the rest.<br>
I used the marching cubes algorithm but?the result is not exactly what i<br>
Is it possible to extract the surface of the volume? If yes, how to do?<br>
Thank you.<br>
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Message: 13<br>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 13:44:22 +0100<br>
From: Eugen Wintersberger <eugen.wintersberger@jku.at><br>
Subject: [vtkusers] Exodus II problem<br>
To: vtkusers@vtk.org<br>
Message-ID: <1236343462.9124.14.camel@wheeler.hlphys.uni-linz.ac.at><br>
Content-Type: text/plain<br>
Hi there<br>
I am fairly new to VTK and would like to know how to extract data from<br>
an ExodusII file using vktExodusReader using the python bindings of VTK.<br>
I have stored displacement data in the file from a finite element<br>
simulation. This data appears as a 3 component vector in the ExodusII<br>
file. The data structure should be an unstructured grid (tets).<br>
I tried the following (most probably naive) approach<br>
import vtk<br>
d = vtk.vtkExodusReader()<br>
print d<br>
uc = vtk.vtkExtractVectorComponents()<br>
unfortunately vtkExtractVectorComponents complains that the input is no<br>
Has anyone an idea how to get this working?<br>
thanks in advance<br>
PS: sorry for bothering you with such a maybe stupid question but I<br>
could not find a useful example for vtkExodusReader anywhere on the web.<br>
-- <br>
| |<br>
| Dipl. Ing. Eugen Wintersberger |<br>
| Department of semicondutor physics |<br>
| University of Linz |<br>
| Altenbergerstrasse 69 |<br>
| A-4040 Linz |<br>
| Austria |<br>
| |<br>
| Mobile.: +43 664 3112861 |<br>
| Tel.: +43 732 2468 9605 |<br>
| E-Mail.: eugen.wintersberger@jku.at |<br>
| Skype: eugen20056221 |<br>
| ICQ: 214418739, nickname: thot |<br>
| |<br>
Message: 14<br>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 14:45:22 +0100<br>
From: Eugen Wintersberger <eugen.wintersberger@jku.at><br>
Subject: [vtkusers] Confusion about GetOutputPort and GetOutput<br>
To: vtkusers <vtkusers@vtk.org><br>
Message-ID: <1236347122.9124.19.camel@wheeler.hlphys.uni-linz.ac.at><br>
Content-Type: text/plain<br>
Hi there <br>
its me again. I just had a look in "The Visualization Toolkit ....".<br>
The book states that the usage of SetInput and GetOutput is highly<br>
discouraged for VTK versions higher then 5.0. I use VTK 5.0.4 on an<br>
Ubuntu 8.10 AMD64 installation. If I write my program using SetInput -<br>
GetOutput I can easily access different attribute data from a dataset by<br>
passing the index of the attribute data as an argument to the GetOutput<br>
method of a dataset class. If I use, as recommended the GetOutputPort I<br>
cannot use the index of attribute data. Can anyone explain me why this<br>
is in this way or do I make a conceptual mistake?<br>
-- <br>
| |<br>
| Dipl. Ing. Eugen Wintersberger |<br>
| Department of semicondutor physics |<br>
| University of Linz |<br>
| Altenbergerstrasse 69 |<br>
| A-4040 Linz |<br>
| Austria |<br>
| |<br>
| Mobile.: +43 664 3112861 |<br>
| Tel.: +43 732 2468 9605 |<br>
| E-Mail.: eugen.wintersberger@jku.at |<br>
| Skype: eugen20056221 |<br>
| ICQ: 214418739, nickname: thot |<br>
| |<br>
Message: 15<br>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 09:29:18 -0600<br>
From: Ashish Singh <mrasingh@gmail.com><br>
Subject: [vtkusers] vtk debug leaks<br>
To: VTK <vtkusers@vtk.org><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br>
I am trying to compile and run the example 'Simpleview' at location:<br>
Vtksource/Examples/GUI/Qt/SimpleView and am getting a lot of vtk debug leak<br>
errors. The code compiles and runs fine. But when I close the application, I<br>
get the vtk debug errors. I am attaching a snapshot of the errors that I<br>
get. My environment is as follows:<br>
OS: Windows XP Pro x64<br>
VTK version: 5.0.3, built with VTK_DEBUG_LEAKS:BOOL=ON,<br>
Qt version:4.2.3<br>
CMake version:2.4.6<br>
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005<br>
Can anyone please suggest how to fix these errors?<br>
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Message: 16<br>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 08:42:15 -0700<br>
From: Clinton Stimpson <clinton@elemtech.com><br>
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] vtk debug leaks<br>
To: Ashish Singh <mrasingh@gmail.com><br>
Cc: VTK <vtkusers@vtk.org><br>
Message-ID: <49B14457.8040500@elemtech.com><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed<br>
Those leaks were fixed about 6 months ago. You can see the fixes in CVS.<br>
Ashish Singh wrote:<br>
> Hi,<br>
> I am trying to compile and run the example 'Simpleview' at location: <br>
> Vtksource/Examples/GUI/Qt/SimpleView and am getting a lot of vtk debug <br>
> leak errors. The code compiles and runs fine. But when I close the <br>
> application, I get the vtk debug errors. I am attaching a snapshot of <br>
> the errors that I get. My environment is as follows:<br>
> OS: Windows XP Pro x64<br>
> VTK version: 5.0.3, built with VTK_DEBUG_LEAKS:BOOL=ON, <br>
> Qt version:4.2.3<br>
> CMake version:2.4.6<br>
> Microsoft Visual Studio 2005<br>
> Can anyone please suggest how to fix these errors?<br>
> Thanks,<br>
> Ashish</tt><br>
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Message: 17<br>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 10:39:35 -0500<br>
From: John Eke <johne@annidis.com><br>
Subject: [vtkusers] Add ID to vtkImageActor<br>
To: VTK <vtkusers@vtk.org><br>
Message-ID: <49B143B7.3030406@annidis.com><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed<br>
Hi Guys,<br>
Whats the easiest way to get a vtkImageActor with an ID field? I tried <br>
inheritance, didn't work (maybe I didn't do it right). I tried creating <br>
a replica of vtkImageActor, and renaming it to something else. But with <br>
this, the New() method returns NULL<br>
Please help<br>
- John<br>
Message: 18<br>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 16:47:33 +0100<br>
From: Mathieu Malaterre <mathieu.malaterre@gmail.com><br>
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Add ID to vtkImageActor<br>
To: John Eke <johne@annidis.com><br>
Cc: VTK <vtkusers@vtk.org><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1<br>
On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 4:39 PM, John Eke <johne@annidis.com> wrote:<br>
> Hi Guys,<br>
> Whats the easiest way to get a vtkImageActor with an ID field? I tried<br>
> inheritance, didn't work (maybe I didn't do it right). I tried creating a<br>
> replica of vtkImageActor, and renaming it to something else. But with<br>
> the New() method returns NULL<br>
I did not quite followed what you are trying to do, but you understand<br>
that vtkImageActor::New() returns a vtkOpenGLImageActor ?<br>
-- <br>
Message: 19<br>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 09:51:34 -0600<br>
From: Ashish Singh <mrasingh@gmail.com><br>
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] vtk debug leaks<br>
To: Clinton Stimpson <clinton@elemtech.com>, VTK <vtkusers@vtk.org><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"<br>
Thanks Clinton. Can you please point me to the CVS and guide me on searching<br>
for these fixes there?<br>
On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 9:42 AM, Clinton Stimpson<br>
> Those leaks were fixed about 6 months ago. You can see the fixes in CVS.<br>
> Clint<br>
> Ashish Singh wrote:<br>
>> Hi,<br>
>> I am trying to compile and run the example 'Simpleview' at location:<br>
>> Vtksource/Examples/GUI/Qt/SimpleView and am getting a lot of vtk debug<br>
>> errors. The code compiles and runs fine. But when I close the<br>
application, I<br>
>> get the vtk debug errors. I am attaching a snapshot of the errors that I<br>
>> get. My environment is as follows:<br>
>> OS: Windows XP Pro x64<br>
>> VTK version: 5.0.3, built with VTK_DEBUG_LEAKS:BOOL=ON,<br>
>> Qt version:4.2.3<br>
>> CMake version:2.4.6<br>
>> Microsoft Visual Studio 2005<br>
>> Can anyone please suggest how to fix these errors?<br>
>> Thanks,<br>
>> Ashish<br>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
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Message: 20<br>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2009 11:02:34 -0500<br>
From: John Eke <johne@annidis.com><br>
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Add ID to vtkImageActor<br>
To: Mathieu Malaterre <mathieu.malaterre@gmail.com><br>
Cc: VTK <vtkusers@vtk.org><br>
Message-ID: <49B1491A.1050600@annidis.com><br>
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Message: 21<br>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 11:01:50 -0500<br>
From: John Drescher <drescherjm@gmail.com><br>
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] vtk debug leaks<br>
To: Ashish Singh <mrasingh@gmail.com><br>
Cc: VTK <vtkusers@vtk.org>, Clinton Stimpson <clinton@elemtech.com><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1<br>
On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 10:51 AM, Ashish Singh <mrasingh@gmail.com> wrote:<br>
> Thanks Clinton. Can you please point me to the CVS and guide me on<br>
> for these fixes there?<br>
</tt><tt><a href="http://www.vtk.org/VTK/resources/software.html#cvs">http://www.vtk.org/VTK/resources/software.html#cvs</a></tt><tt><br>
Message: 22<br>
Date: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 11:11:40 -0500<br>
From: Mathieu Coursolle <mcoursolle@rogue-research.com><br>
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Add ID to vtkImageActor<br>
To: John Eke <johne@annidis.com><br>
Cc: VTK <vtkusers@vtk.org><br>
Message-ID: <5245297C-5D18-4137-88D2-E3C332214A7F@rogue-research.com><br>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; Format="flowed";<br>
If I understand correctly, you are trying to easily retrieve a <br>
vtkActor instance based on some key.<br>
I usually use a map where the key is a unique ID, and the value the <br>
actual vtkActor.<br>
That way I can retrieve quickly the actor associated with a key. <br>
However, this has the inconvenient<br>
of maintaining that map to make sure you remove actors which are <br>
deleted, and add newly created<br>
Hope this helps,<br>
Mathieu Coursolle, M.Ing.                                  <br>
Rogue Research Inc.<br>
On 6-Mar-09, at 11:02 AM, John Eke wrote:<br>
> What I am trying to do is add a string Id as a private member to a <br>
> vtkImageActor. I have a scenario where I am inserting multiple <br>
> vtkImageActors into a renderer... and I want to selectively enable <br>
> and disable them. The only way I can forsee doing that is if each <br>
> image actor had an ID. That way I can iterate through the actors, <br>
> find the one with the ID I am looking for, then enable it.<br>
> Is there a better way to do this? If not how can I add the ID field <br>
> to an image actor?<br>
> I hope this clears things up<br>
> - John<br>
> Mathieu Malaterre wrote:<br>
>> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 4:39 PM, John Eke <johne@annidis.com> wrote:<br>
>>> Hi Guys,<br>
>>> Whats the easiest way to get a vtkImageActor with an ID field? I <br>
>>> tried<br>
>>> inheritance, didn't work (maybe I didn't do it right). I tried <br>
>>> creating a<br>
>>> replica of vtkImageActor, and renaming it to something else. But <br>
>>> with this,<br>
>>> the New() method returns NULL<br>
>> I did not quite followed what you are trying to do, but you <br>
>> understand<br>
>> that vtkImageActor::New() returns a vtkOpenGLImageActor ?<br>
>> 2cts<br>
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