Hello<br><br>I am trying to do a simple 2D Dicom series reader and viewer using ITK and VTK.<br><br>Initially I used the itk GDCM class and successfully read a DICOM series and using the itk-vtk imoprter and exporter classes was able to connect the pipelines so that I would write an XML file (VTI) using vtk classes. Then read the vti file and display it in VTK.<br>
<br>I would prefer to it without writing the XML file. If I use a different than the vtkXMLwriter class, say vtkImageShifScale or vtkImageViewer2 to catch the DICOM stack I get a segmentation fault.<br><br>Recently I found the vtkKWImage and vtkKWImageIO classes and was successfull at reading the DICOM files and connecting them to both vtk classes I mentioned (shifter and viewer). <a href="http://insight-journal.org/dspace/handle/1926/495">http://insight-journal.org/dspace/handle/1926/495</a><br>
<br>BUT I don't know if I could use an itk filter (say itkCurvatureFlowImageFilter) before displaying them since I only found the "Setfilename" and "Setdirectory" options for the vtkKWImage class.<br>
<br>Can you use vtkKWImage and vtkKWImageIO in combination with itk Filters?<br><br>If not, is there an explanation for the segmentation fault I get when not using the XML writer?<br><br>Thank you,<br><br>Sergio<br><br>