A while ago I sent out an email asking where I should post examples. There seems to be a wiki setup already:<br><a href="http://vtk.org/Wiki/VTK" target="_blank">http://vtk.org/Wiki/VTK</a><br><br>But I don't see any examples - would this be an appropriate place to put them? The only reason I ask again is that now that I found this it seems like the obvious place, but no one mentioned it last time. There seems to be a whole bunch of administrivia there, so I didn't know if that wiki was trying to remain administrivia only.<br>
<br>I see "Administrative Topics" and "Current Project" - there could simply be a third section, "Examples" - including what to link to, which headers to include, and how to instantiate and call a few filters to demonstrate the pipeline, reading/writing vtp files (points, point normals (in the 6 ways I know how to make them!) triangles, planes, etc.), etc.<br>
<br clear="all">Thanks,<br><br>David<br>