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I have an idea about filtering all my DICOM images of a human head in the format of *.DCM before creating my actor from vtkAlgorithmOutput, one feature I'm not sure about is if or how vtk can perform an addition assign like operation with AlgorithmOutput. Or somehow merge the two different datas into one AlgorithmOutput. Anyway, here's my idea of what I'm trying to do. Using VTK, C++, and I am new to VTK.<br><br><br>LOOP(imagenumber < maximagenumber)<br>{<br> //Reads in one 2D DICOM image<br> vtkDICOMImageReader::SetFileName( "DICOMdata" imagenumber++);<br><br> //Set value for skin data only from my DICOM data<br> vtkContourFilter *skinExtractor = vtkContourFilter::New();<br> skinExtractor->SetInputConnection(reader->GetOutputPort());<br> skinExtractor->SetValue(0, -400);<br><br> //Extract the largest Region <br> vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter *connect = vtkPolyDataConnectivityFilter::New();<br> connect->SetInputConnection(skinExtractor->GetOutputPort());<br> connect->SetExtractionModeToLargestRegion();<br><br> //Here is where I would like to build a final algorithmoutput from the accumulation <br> //of each image after its been filtered. <br> //Would like the following line to perform like an Addition assign operator but is<br> //there a function or something to create this effect?<br><br> (*FinalAlgorithmOutput) += (*CurrentImageFilterAlgorithmOutput);<br><br> //REPEAT<br>}<br><br>Now once out of the loop, i create my actors and windows then I build my DICOM code. Once data is displayed it should show the filtered 3d head. Any advice, suggestions, ideas about this is welcomed, thanks!<br><br /><hr />Lauren found her dream laptop. <a href='http://www.microsoft.com/windows/choosepc/?ocid=ftp_val_wl_290' target='_new'>Find the PC that’s right for you.</a></body>