Dear all,<br><br>As my first vtk program I am coding a simple 2D viewer that overlays an anatomical data-set with a certain distribution (both are 3D). The pipeline is as follows (schematically, not complete):<br><br>anatomyReader -> vtkImageReslice -> vtkImageMapToColors -> vtkImageActor -> vtkRenderer -> vtkRenderWindow <br>
/\<br> |<br>
|<br> overlayReader -> vtkImageReslice -> vtkImageMapToColors -> vtkImageActor --<br>
<br>The render window is then given to a QVTKWidget object. A vtkEventQtSlotConnect serves as an adaptor to uses Qt's signal/slot structure. Not shown in the pipeline is a vtkMatrix4x4 object that is given to the vtkImageReslice object to determine the orientation and the origin of the slicing plane. Note that both the anatomy reslice and the overlay reslice object are given the same reslice axes (so the vtkMatrix4x4 object) so that in my understanding we have matching slices.<br>
<br>Now the problem that I encounter is that if I change the vtkMatrix4x4 object, the anatomy object does get sliced differently, however the overlay does not change with it. Am I missing here some thing conceptually and is this expected behavior?<br>
<br>Suggestions are highly appreciated.<br><br>Martijn de Greef<br><br><br><br>