As an example:<br><br>I found a class to find the minimum spanning tree on a graph: vtkBoostPrimMinimumSpanningTree. So I setup a little test case including:<br>vtkBoostPrimMinimumSpanningTree* MinimumSpanningTree = vtkBoostPrimMinimumSpanningTree::New();<br>
<br>I got a linker error. It was not at all obvious or quick to figure out that I needed to link to libvtkInfovis to use this functionality. <br><br>Even some of the basic ones that seem ridiculous obvious (i.e. vtkIO for vtkXMLPolyDataReader) could be quite annoying to figure out for a first time user. Would it make sense to add a single line to every class's documentation that explains this? Something like:<br>
<br>Required libraries: vtkIO<br><br>Please let me know what you think.<br><br clear="all">Thanks,<br><br>David<br>