The documentation says you can specify a second polydata to act as a constraint boundary. I tried to do this here:<br><br><a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
<br>However, it doesn't seem to do anything different than the unconstrained version.<br><br><a href=""></a> shows the result of the normal triangulation (actually - while we are here, why is there a missing triangle/chunk missing out of the bottom right corner?)<br>
<br>The constrained version looks identical (using both a CW and CCW loop).<br><br>Here (an excerpt from the above link) is how I setup the filter:<br><br> vtkSmartPointer<vtkDelaunay2D> delaunay = vtkSmartPointer<vtkDelaunay2D>::New();<br>
delaunay->SetInput ( Polydata );<br> delaunay->SetSource (Boundary);<br> delaunay->Update();<br><br>Anyone know what the problem might be?<br><br clear="all">Thanks,<br><br>David<br>