.hmmessage P
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Hello vtk community,<br><br>I'm trying to use vtkFrustumSource to generate a polydata from the 6 planes of a frustum.<br><br><br>vtkFrustumSource * fs = vtkFrustumSource::New();<br><br>vtkPlanes * frustumPlanes = areaPicker->GetFrustum();<br><br>fs->SetPlanes(frustumPlanes);<br><br>frustumedPolyData = fs->GetOutput();<br><br>I'm able to display frustumedPolyData.<br><br>But then I need to apply some filter on this polydata and i find out that the bounds of frustumedPolyData are wrong ...<br><br><br>bounds[0],bounds[2] and bounds[4] are equal to 439290.0000 ...<br><br>bounds[1],bounds[3] and bounds[5] seems to be correct<br><br>I had a look to how vtkFrustumSource build the polydata but I can't find something wrong...<br><br>Does somebody has an idea why the bounds are wrong ?<br><br><br>Regards,<br>Adeline<br>                                            <br /><hr />Gagnez au cadeau par jour avec Hotmail Magic Moment ! <a href='http://www.hotmailmagicmoment.com' target='_new'>Cliquez ici !</a></body>