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Hello VTK users,<br>this might be already posted but I can't find it in the repository. So, I apologies for any duplicate.<br><br>I have these statements:<br><br>QByteArray temp = fn->toAscii(); <br>char *data = temp.data();<br> vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataReader> drs = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataReader>::New();<br> drs->SetFileName(data);<br> drs->Update();<br> vtkPolyData *pd = drs->GetOutput();<br><br>where QByteArray is a QT array of byte then converted into a string and passed as input to PolyDataReader. so basically it's the path of the file .vtk (which is a polydata) I would like to load.<br><br>but the problem is that when i get to <br><br>drs->Update();<br><br>it all crashes saying that an Unhandled expection has been generated.<br><br>I checked out around and apparently it's the standard way to read a vtk file (the one I have is ASCII format).<br><br>Any suggestion would be helpful..<br><br>Kind Regards.<br>Giancarlo Amati<br>                                            <br /><hr />Annoiato? <a href='http://www.messenger.it/raccoltaGiochi.aspx' target='_new'>Prova i giochi di Messenger!</a></body>