oh ok... Objects position in my case is same as glyphActor->GetPosition() right?? <br>I'm asking this because it is returning position as zero...<br><br>Thanks<br><br><blockquote><br>---------- Original message ----------<br>From:David Gobbi< david.gobbi@gmail.com ><br>Date: 09 Feb 10 19:05:11<br>Subject: Re: rescaling glyphs.??<br>To: Rakesh Patil <rakeshthp@in.com><br><br>Let camera position be p1, which you can get from camera->GetPosition().<br><br>Let object position be p2, i.e. the position of a glyph.<br><br>The vector "v" is the p2 - p1:<br>v[0] = p2[0] - p1[0];<br>v[1] = p2[1] - p1[1];<br>v[2] = p2[2] - p1[2];<br><br>That's all there is to it.<br><br><br><br><br>On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 6:24 AM, Rakesh Patil <rakeshthp@in.com> wrote:<br>> Hello sir,<br>><br>> Thanks a lot for you guidance. Please pardon me if am going wrong at any<br>> point.<br>> I'm am still not clear with this point what you said<br>><br>> "The depth is the dot pro
duct of the camera's direction-of-projection with<br>> the vector from the camera's position to the object's position."<br>><br>> what exactly is a vector from the camera's position to object's position??<br>><br>> Thanks<br></rakeshthp@in.com></rakeshthp@in.com></blockquote>