Dear everyone,<br><br>I am a beginner of using VTK. I was trying to use the vtkLSDynaReader class to handle FEM data in LSDYNA database but found no program examples to start.<br><br>I checked some functions of vtkLSDynaReader class and found that they didn't function well.<br>
<br>For instance, the function CanReadFile always return the value of 1 regarless of the exitence of files.<br><br><br> vtkLSDynaReader *plLD=vtkLSDynaReader::New( );<br> string file="./d3plot";<br> int tmp=plLD->CanReadFile(file.c_str());<br>
cout<<tmp<<endl;<br><br>Are there any starting points to use the VTK to visualize FEM data in LSDYNA database?<br><br>Thanks in advance and best regards,<br><br>Viet.<br>