Hello,<br><br>I want to display the elevation values at each and every node in the grid. I found, the class <br><br>vtkLabeledDataMapper<br><br>that suits to my task. I was able to get the labels with elevation values printed at each and every nodes. <br>But i found that by doing so, the rendering becomes very slow.. If i scroll just a one unit, it takes around 4-5 seconds to display the zoomed data.<br>What can i do to improve the speed of rendering..?? Or to get fast rendering..?? Here is my code,<br><br>vtkIdFilter *ids = vtkIdFilter::New();<br>ids->SetInput(unGrid);<br>ids->PointIdsOn();<br>ids->FieldDataOn();<br><br>vtkLabeledDataMapper *lbm = vtkLabeledDataMapper::New();<br>lbm->SetInputConnection( ids->GetOutputPort());<br>lgm->SetLabelModeToLabelScalar();<br><br>vtkActor2D *act = vtkActor2D::New();<br>act->SetMapper(lbm);<br><br>pRenderer->AddActor2D(act);<br><br>Any thing to be changed or added to improve the speed ..??<br><br>Thanks<br><br>R
egards<br>Rakesh Patil<br>