Hi VTK Users..<br><br>I want to extract a single contour line from a set of xy points. So to begin with i used vtkContourFilter class to extract a single contour line of a particular value. But the output contained n number of lines not a single line. So I thought of merging them.. So i used,<br><br>vtkAppendPolyData <br><br>class to make it a single line. I get it as a single line but there is a smal confusion here.. Suppose there are 6 lines. when displaying, the first point of the 2nd line is connected to the first point of 1st line. similarly first point of the third line is connected to the first point of the second line. Thus creating unwanted lines in between..<br><br>Any solution to get rid of this..???<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Regards<br>Rakesh Patil<br><br><br><br><div style="border-top:1px dashed #ccc; border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc; padding:5px;"><a href="http://mail.in.com/mails/new_reg.php?utm_source=invite&utm_medium=outgoing" style="font:13px arial; color:#1E56A1;
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