Hi all,<br><br>I have a couple of questions about color maps.<br>I have a scalar date that's range is [0..1265]<br>My code looks like this:<br><br> vtkLookupTable *lut = vtkLookupTable::New();<br> lut->SetNumberOfColors(256);<br>
lut->SetHueRange(0.0,1.0);<br> lut->Build();<br><br> vtkDataSetMapper *mapper = vtkDataSetMapper::New();<br> mapper->SetInputConnection(T2_reader->GetOutputPort());<br>
mapper->SetLookupTable(lut);<br> mapper->SetScalarRange(0.0, 1265.0);<br><br>I have 2 problems:<br>- 70% of the picture is red. How can I "shift" the color map? What should I do to see 70% white?<br>
- How can I change the opacity? If I want [0..300] be 0.3 opaque and [301..1265] 0.8 opaque?<br><br><br>Thank you,<br>Uliana <br>