Hi,<br><br>I have tried to create some 3D axes using vtkAxesActor class,
but i always get a linker problem !<br><br>error LNK2019: unresolved
external symbol "public: static class vtkAxesActor * __cdecl
<br>The code :<br><br>vtkAxesActor *axes; in my header<br><br>and <br><br>axes
= vtkAxesActor::New(); in my source<br><br>Do you know where that come
from ?<br>I am developping in C++ using visual Studio, and i have
include vtkAxesActor in my files...<br><br>Note that i have the same problem with vtkOrientationMarkerWidget, cannot create it by using vtkOrientationMarkerWidget::New() !!!<br><br><br><br clear="all">Cordialement,<br><br>
Mathieu PICCIN<br>-----------------------<br><br><a href="mailto:mathieu.piccin@gmail.com">mathieu.piccin@gmail.com</a><br><br>