.hmmessage P
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Hello everybody,<br><br>I have a vtkLineSource object L1. I apply a transformation with the vtkTransformPolyDataFilter tpd.<br><br>so... as L1 is defined by 2 points, I have a transform TT which defines the TransformPolyDataFilter.<br>So I need to retrieve those 2 points but after the transform, so I call:<br><br>vtkSmartPointer<vtkLineSource> tmplineDir = vtkLineSource::SafeDownCast(tpd->GetOutput());<br><br>but the pointer it returns is NULL, causing of course a crash of the software.<br>what am I missing? :)<br><br>Many thanks.<br>Giancarlo<br><br>                                            <br /><hr />Lo spazio su Hotmail aumente con le tue esigenze... <a href='http://www.windowslive.it/hotmail/SpazioDisponibile.aspx' target='_new'>Vai oltre i 5GB</a></body>