Hello,<br><br>As suggested by Bill, I tried to implement it by setting a
scalar to celldata of my unstructured grid.. Initial setup of scalars
works fine... But when i change color by selecting it, there doesnt seem
any changes... Here is what I'm doing..<br><br>I've used a callback
technique to pick and object by deriving, a subclass from vtkCommand.<br><br>In
Execute function, I have following statement apart from highlighting..<br><br>EApp::instance()->setSelectedPropId(
picker->GetActor());<br><br>Later, when i change the type of
polyline, this is what i do..<br><br>vtkIdType _id =
EApp::instance()->getSelectedPropId();<br><br>vtkActor *act =
6);<br><br>act->Modified();<br><br>By doing this, it is not showin
any change in color... Initially i'm setting all colors to 0. And my
lookup table contains only 10 values... i mean colors.. Even if i add
this actor to a renderer, no change is shown..<br><br>What may be the
problem..??<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Regards<br>Rakesh Patil<br><font color="#000000"><br>----------
Original message ----------<br>From:"Rakesh Patil"< rakeshthp@in.com
><br>Date: 24 Mar 10 10:14:09<br>Subject: Re: [vtkusers] How to
change the color of a single polyline ??<br>To: "Bill Lorensen" <bill.lorensen@gmail.com><br><br>
<br>Hello,<br><br>Its not the question of highlighting... I'm working
on FEM based mesh generation application.. So, I draw a line and have to
set the property for this line. I mean polyline.. This line is
classified into two, closed boundary or open boundary. So, initially
when i draw a line, it has unassigned value.. i.e. boundary is not
defined.. Thus it is black in color.. THen i select this line and change
the properties.. If it is set to be an open boundary then it should be
of say green color... and if it is of closed boundary, I need to show it
in say brown color.. And this color will remain unchanged till end. I
mean till mesh is generated, till file is saved. And even after file is
reloaded, based on the property the same color it should show..<br><br>I
hope the problem is clear... :) Any solutions for this..??<br><br>Thanks<br><br>Regards<br>Rakesh
Patil<br></bill.lorensen@gmail.com></font><font color="#000000"><font color="#000000"><font color="#000000"><br>----------
Original message ----------<br>From:Bill Lorensen<
bill.lorensen@gmail.com >
;<br>Date: 23 Mar 10 23:35:18<br>Subject: Re: [vtkusers] How to change
the color of a single polyline ??<br>To: David Doria <daviddoria+vtk@gmail.com><br><br>Add
cell data scalars to the unstructured grid. Then you have two options:<br><br>1)
Assign a different cell scalar to the polyline to be highlighted<br>e.g.
1. Make all of the other cell scalars another value, e.g. 0.. Use<br>a
vtkLookupTable to assign the proper colors.<br>2) Make each cell data
scalar a unique value (say 0...n-1). Create a<br>vtkLookupTable with n
colors. Modify the entry of the cell you want to<br>highlight.<br><br>Bill<br><br><br>On
Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 8:02 AM, David Doria <daviddoria+vtk@gmail.com>
wrote:<br>> On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 5:58 AM, Rakesh Patil <rakeshthp@in.com>
wrote:<br>>><br>>> Hello users<br>>><br>>> I
have one unstructured grid which contains more than one poly-lines and<br>>>
poly-vertex. Now, on the other hand, I have only one actor correspondi
ng to<br>>> this grid. Now what I want to do is select a
particular polyline. And change<br>>> the color of this polyline.
Initially all polylines are black in color. Once<br>>> i change
the color, it should be reflected back in the actor only for that<br>>>
particular polyline..<br>>><br>>> I have only one actor..
And i guess, using this actor, if i change the<br>>> color, using
get property, it changes the color of all the the polylines.<br>>>
How do i change the colors of only one polyline..??<br>>><br>>>
Thanks<br>>><br>>> Regards<br>>> Rakesh Patil<br>>><br>><br>>
I think you are supposed to make a new actor which contains the
selected<br>> line only, and set the color of that line.<br>>
Thanks,<br>><br>> David<br>>
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