Hi all:<br><br>Could anyone help me?<br><br>The story is that, I want to interact the window which display a image or one slice of 3D data (like DICOM). <br><br>The
operation is that when I click one point, and mouse move on the window,
then LeftButtonUp. These action could related to a line. <br>
<br>I want to save the positions of all the points on the line and draw this line on the window.<br><br>I
follow the example in InsightApplication titled
"LiverTumorSegmentation". In this application, I can get the point when
I click on the window, also, I can get the points when mouse move.<br>
<br>So, I want to draw this line on the window. How to do this?<br><br>My
idea is that, suppose that there are two points p1 and p2, p1 is the
point I click on the window, when mouse move, p2 is current point, I
want to draw a line from p1 to p2. Then update p1 as p2. This could
turn into a line. I use this method in MFC which can draw a line.<br>
<br>But, I don't know how to draw a line in a vtkRenderWindow? what's the coordinate of the vtkRenderWindow?<br><br>I look at the example about drawing a line in "VTK/Examples/GeometricObjects/Display/Line". But, it doesn't look correct.<br>
<br><br>part of codes are: <br><br>Here, I test draw a line when I click on the renderwindow. The line is supposed to from (10,10,0) to (50,50,0). Every time when I click the line, the line should not change.<br>But, when I add these codes in the click event, the line changes every time. I wonder I do not catch the coordinate point. Could anyone help me figure out the question?<br>
<br> vtkLineSource * line = vtkLineSource::New();<br> line->SetPoint1(10,10,0);<br> line->SetPoint2(50,50,0);<br> vtkPolyDataMapper * mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();<br> mapper->SetInput(line->GetOutput());<br>
<br> line->Update();<br> m_SphereActor->SetMapper(mapper); //m_SphereActor is an instance of vtkActor<br> m_RenderWindow->Render();<br><br>Is there is example similar to my question? <br><br>Thanks a lot.