Hi Eric,
You mean to say, this should be used only in the case, when the output grid should be a structured grid.. This class wont work for unstructuredgrid..??
---------- Original message ----------
From:Eric E. Monson< emonson@cs.duke.edu >
Date: 23 Apr 10 18:29:33
Subject: Re: [vtkusers] Information about vtkShepardMethod....
To: Rakesh Patil <rakeshthp@in.com>
Hey Rakesh,
I think the dimensions are like the resolution of the grid that will be used to sample the data (i.e. how many point the output structured grid will have in each direction). The ModelBounds is the (boundaries of the) position in space that will be sampled.
------------------------------------------------------Eric E MonsonDuke Visualization Technology Group
On Apr 23, 2010, at 1:34 AM, Rakesh Patil wrote:Hi
Can you briefly explain me what these parameters signify..??
I mean, what is the dimension and what are the model bounds that have to be set here..??
Rakesh Patil
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