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I find a good example to solve this task and problems, i recomend use
igstk library and the example Navigator.<br>
El 23/04/10 00:08, Xiaofeng Z escribió:
<blockquote cite="mid:COL123-W1057E83A5AA8BDC2862C72E5080@phx.gbl"
.hmmessage P
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facing the similar problem too. I wonder if one can recover the world
coordinate from the reslice axies. Does anyone have idea?<br>
Xiaofeng Z<br>
> Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 17:32:47 +0200<br>
> From: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:david@artresnet.com">david@artresnet.com</a><br>
> To: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:vtkusers@vtk.org">vtkusers@vtk.org</a><br>
> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] show correctly Itk dicom series with vtk
image viewer<br>
> Hi, the problem is when i get slice from itk dicom image and
display it<br>
> with vtkimageviewer2, the positions i get from interaction are bad<br>
> coordinates andi image fliped beacuse i loose the orientation of
> image when apply the filter for get vtkimagedata.<br>
> Then, i must work with vtkimageviewer2 or use another viewer?.<br>
> I can work with pixels instead world positions to get the index of<br>
> vtkimagedata slice pixel and use it into itk image slice?<br>
> Or I have to work with other viewer (image plane) and manipulate
> and actor to position and correct orientatoin?<br>
> Thanks.<br>
> Regards David.<br>
> El 21/04/10 16:22, <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:david@artresnet.com">david@artresnet.com</a> escribió:<br>
> Hi<br>
> vtkusers!<br>
> I read mailing list before write this post, but i don't find my<br>
> solution.<br>
> I want create an application that show itk dicom image series with
> and the user can select point and feedback this to itk for
> tasks.<br>
> First i use the filter imagetovtkimagefilter to connect itk to
vtk, but<br>
> as i read in this post<br>
> (<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="http://www.vtk.org/pipermail/vtkusers/2009-November/103690.html">http://www.vtk.org/pipermail/vtkusers/2009-November/103690.html</a>)
> vtkimagedata don't have image orientation.<br>
> Then, my question is:<br>
> What is the best solution for create a gui for itk and receive user<br>
> interaction? fltk, vtk...<br>
> Vtk can show correctly itk dicom image series? How? There are any<br>
> example?<br>
> Thanks!<br>
> Regards, David (Damiles)<br>
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