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Try to use the same interactor in both windows. That may fit your need.<BR><BR>Xiaofeng<BR><BR><BR> <BR>
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Date: Mon, 17 May 2010 00:23:21 -0400<BR>From: antonin07130@gmail.com<BR>To: vtkusers@vtk.org<BR>Subject: Re: [vtkusers] how to interact two renderers<BR><BR>Hello Jinyoung,<BR>I have been facing the same problem, and alos posted with no sucess in this mailing list.<BR>In order to synchronize 2 renderers, I setup one observer on each renderer's camera, osberving the event : vtkCommand::ModifiedEvent<BR>This event triggers a function which forces the other renderer to render.<BR><BR>Hope that it helps, I can send you a small code sample if you need to see how to setup callbacks.<BR><BR>Regards<BR>-- <BR><PRE class=ecxmoz-signature>Antonin </PRE><BR><BR>On 5/17/10 12:16 AM, Jinyoung Hwang wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE cite=mid:AANLkTinMoi7AsQV7xvqxH88oOuY0eed3lQpda3riJBKA@mail.gmail.com>Hi all,
<DIV>Even I posted the same question, I didn't find appropriate answers.</DIV>
<DIV>I'm trying to generate stereo views (left and right view).</DIV>
<DIV>First, I made two renderers (vtkMFCwindow) in one application.</DIV>
<DIV>Each renderer will be captured in bitmap, then all of bitmaps are converted to movie file (AVI).</DIV>
<DIV>I met a problem in implementation.</DIV>
<DIV>If one renderer are translated or scaled by mouse control, another renderer should certainly be translated or scaled.</DIV>
<DIV>How to capture the mouse operation in one renderer?</DIV>
<DIV>Additionally, how to send the mouse operation to another renderer?</DIV>
<DIV><BR></DIV><PRE><FIELDSET class=ecxmimeAttachmentHeader></FIELDSET>
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