Just a comment... don't use variable names like "vtkImage" and<br>
"vtkArray". If you do, then you will get conflicts between the names<br>
of your variables and the names of VTK classes.<br>
<font color="#888888">-end snip-</font><br>
While I agree that my test code does have poor naming convention (though
not all note volumeMapper and friends) C++ allows (though maybe it
should not) for names of classes and instances of classes to be the
same. This is not true of types which are reserved keywords. And yes I
did think of changing this for clarity before sending it along in the
ether, but then I realized I am lazy. For those of you in the ether please do not follow my example as I typically take the hardest route possible to the solution. Best to take a path completely orthogonal to me :-)<br>
Thanks for the feedback.<br>