Hi. I'm new to VTK and I was playing a bit with events. In particular, I used the "Tutorial/Step5" example to add some mouse events. The problem is that I'm receiving all the "Press" events (i. e. LeftButtonPressEvent, MiddleButtonPressEvent and RightButtonPressEvent), but none of the release events.<br>
<br>Of course I thought that this was my problem, so I've been googling this problem for a couple of days and I've found this message:<br><br><a href="http://old.nabble.com/vtkEventQtSlotConnect-skips-vtkCommand%3A%3ALeftButtonReleaseEvent--td28560101.html">http://old.nabble.com/vtkEventQtSlotConnect-skips-vtkCommand%3A%3ALeftButtonReleaseEvent--td28560101.html</a><br>
<br>It has been posted less than a month ago; is it possible that we are having the same problem?<br><br>I would really appreciate any clue about this.<br><br>Thank you in advance,<br><br>Federico<br><br>