Dear All<br>I have several 2D images with different dimensions, origins and resolutions.<br>I want to draw them using 2D API (class vtkImageItem) etc and also want the images to be drawn in windows screen coordinates.<br>
<br>I'm also confused with parameters for DrawImage method in the 2D API(are these screen coordinates or should be in-terms of image dimensions). <br>When using this method, all my images are upside down.<br>.<br>For example , my window size is 600x400<br>
<br>and have many 2D images( details of few examples are given below)<br><br>Image Details<br><br> Resolution Dimensions Origin<br><ol><li> 0.1 x 0.1 x 1 930 x 700 x 1 -78.3 x 0 x 0</li>
<li> 0.2 x 0.2 x 1 1560 x 750 x 1 -78.3 x 0 x 0</li><li> 0.5 x 0.2 x 1 3100 x 1560 x 1 -100 x 20 x 0</li><li> 0.1 x 0.2 x 1 360 x 180 x 1 -14.3 x 0 x 0</li>
</ol>and also would like my image to be to fit to the available window size(I can resize my window dynamically).<br><br>I think we should be able to create 2D Transform that handles all these cases in one go, but I'm not sure how to achieve it using vtkTransform2D.<br>
<br>Could anybody help me how to handle these situations?<br>
<br>Thanks in advance.<br>-- <br>Best Regards<br>Krishna <br><br>