High,<br><br>I'm using VTK 5.6.<br><br>I have read the two Kitware source "pdf" document on "composite datasets". It tells that the class vtkHierarchicalBoxDataSet creates AMR datasets with uniform grids only.<br>
<br>Is it possible to use non-uniform grid with the composite dataset API ? (Multi-Block, Multi-Piece, etc...)<br>It seems it was possible with an old VTK API from VTK 4.x, but I'm not sure...<br><br>I need to create a parallelepiped at level 0 that is refined using a smaller sphere for level 1. Then I create a barrier (another smaller sphere inside the previous sphere) where all the mesh nodes are removed. An example can be seen in the image file (it's a 2D cut).<br>
<br>Any idea ?<br><br>Kind regards<br>